Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Rania’s Joy used to be a ‘Big Bang Girl’ for a Thai CF

Rania’s Joy recently expressed her disappointment in not being able to see the members of Big Bang after her debut, especially since they used to work together.

About a year ago, Rania member Joy took part in a Thai CF for “Eversense” with the members of Big Bang. In the CF, she was surrounded by the five men and received their full attention and affection. Joy herself received a lot of headlines prior to her debut for being a ‘Big Bang Girl’ since she was one of the top 10 finalists. Unfortunately, she hasn’t had a chance to meet them again since debuting last month.

She expressed, “The Big Bang seniors are so busy so there isn’t much of an opportunity for me to see them. I felt regretful that we haven’t been able to talk.”

Joy recalled some of the positive moments while filming by explaining, “Daesung was like a big brother, kind to everybody. Taeyang taught me some quick moves, thanks for that. I was worried what the fans would think of the CF at first, but they were all very kind to me.”